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Thank You for an Incredible Joint Annual Conference in 2023!
Lake Stewards of Maine extends a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in our Joint Annual Conference 2023. Your passion for lake conservation and commitment to preserving the natural beauty of Maine’s lakes made this event truly memorable.
Throughout the conference, we witnessed engaging discussions, insightful presentations, and valuable networking opportunities that have strengthened our lake stewardship community. We are deeply grateful for your active involvement and contributions, which have undoubtedly enriched the collective knowledge and dedication to protecting our cherished lakes.
Looking Forward to an Exciting 2024 Conference!
Surveys of conference participation and the successes of the 2023 conference will be instructive as we begin planning the 2024 Annual Conference. We will strive to make the event even better than 2023, we will have impactful sessions, inspiring speakers, and innovative ideas to advance lake conservation efforts.
If you are interested in participating in the conference planning process, please contact us at stewards@lakestewardsme.org.
Stay tuned as we prepare to unveil more information about the 2024 Annual Conference. Be assured that this conference will be a fantastic opportunity to come together once again and unite in our mission to safeguard the water quality and ecosystems of Maine’s lakes.
Stay tuned for more updates or check out our annual conference webpage!