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These Lake and Regional Supporters have contributed financially to Lake Stewards of Maine ensuring we can continue to support them and others through the work of our mission.
(Don’t see your Lake or Regional Association listed? Ask your Ask your lake association to become a Lake or Regional Supporting Partner or contact stewards@lakestewardsme.org)
Alamoosook Lake Association
Alford Lake/Lermond Pond Association
Androscoggin Lake Improvement Corporation
Annabessacook Lake Improvement Association
Bauneg Beg Lake Association, Inc.
Bear Pond Improvement Association
Berry Dexter Wilson Ponds Watershed Association
Bickford Pond Association
Branch Lake Association
Cathance Lake Association
Citizens Association of Liberty Lakes
Clary Lake Association
Clearwater Lake Improvement Association
Clemons Pond Association
Cold Stream Camp Owners’ Association, Inc.
Coleman Pond Association
Community Lakes Association
Craig Pond Association
Crawford Lake Association
Crystal Lake Association
Dexter Lake Association
East Pond Association
Echo Lake Association
Embden Pond Association
Five Kezars Watershed Improvement Association
Forest Lake Association
Friends of Cross Lake
Friends of Messalonskee
Friends of Monson Pond
Friends of Quimby Pond
Friends of Shagg Pond
Georges Pond Association
Great East Lake Improvement Association
Greater Pushaw Lake Association
Green & Mirror Ponds Association
Gull Pond Association
Hancock & Sand Ponds Association
Highland Lake Association
Hobbs & Fish Ponds Association
Howard Pond Preservation Association
Island Falls Lakes Association
Kennebago Lake Camp Owners Association
Kennebunk Pond Association
Keoka Lake Association
Kezar Lake Watershed Association
Lake Anasagunticook Association
Lake Wesserunsett Association
Lakeville Camp Owners Association
Little Ossipee Lake Association
Little Sebago Lake Association
Little Wilson Pond Improvement Association
Long Pond Association
Loon Lake Association
Lovejoy Pond Improvement Association
Meddybemps Lake Association
Mousam Lake Region Association
Muscongus Pond Association
Nickerson Lake Wilderness Preservation, Inc.
No Name Pond Watershed Management Association
North Pond Association
Panther Pond Association
Parker Pond Association, Inc.
Pattee’s Pond Association
Pequawket Lake Preservation Association
Pitcher Pond Improvement Association
Pleasant Lake & Parker Pond Association
Pleasant Pond Protective Association
Pleasant River Lake Association
Portage Lake Association
Porter Lake Association
Raymond Waterways Protective Association
Rock Haven Lake Association
Sabbathday Lake Association
Sand Pond & Locke Pond Association
Saturday Pond Watershed Association
Sebec Lake Association
Sokokis Lake Association
Square Pond Improvement Association
Summer Haven Lakes Association
Swan Lake Association
Taylor Pond Association
Thompson Lake Environmental Association
Toddy Pond Association
Torsey Pond Association
Tripp Lake Improvement Association
Washington Lakes Watershed Association
Webb Lake Association
Wilson Lake Association
Woods Pond Water Quality Association
Worromontogus Lake Association
Worthley Pond Association
Thank you to all of the associations who are working to protect lakes throughout Maine!