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Home of Lake Stewards of Maine
Situated on the north shore of Lake Auburn, the two-acre LSM Center for Citizen Lake Science offers many opportunities to demonstrate lake-friendly conservation practices for the public. The LSM is developing this “Lakes Campus,” in accordance with the wishes of the late Barbara Brackett, who stipulated that her former home should be used to benefit the environment. The Campus will be a comprehensive facility that focuses on all aspects of Maine lakes, including volunteer monitoring, environmental education and research, public outreach, and the demonstration of land owner conservation practices to protect lake water quality from the effects of watershed development.
LSM Center for Citizen Lake Science History
1946: Woodbury & Barbara Brackett build their house on the shoreline of Lake Auburn incorporating features from a historic Cape Elizabeth home.
2002: Barbara Brackett bequeaths her home and property to the Auburn Water District, with the provision that the property be used for environmental education.
2003: LSM (then known as Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program, or VLMP) leases the building and property, and establishes the Brackett Environmental Center, now known as the LSM Center for Citizen Lake Science.
2010: The LSM purchases the Brackett Center/LSM Center for Citizen Lake Science to create a permanent training center for volunteer lake monitors.
Do you want to come visit us?
Our hours of visitation at the LSM Office are…
Mondays 9:00am – 3:00pm Wednesdays 9:00am – 3:00pm
Thursdays 11:00am – 3:00pm Or by appointment
You can reach us at…
Our address: 24 Maple Hill Road Auburn, Maine 04210
Our phone number: 207-783-7733
Our email address: stewards@lakestewardsme.org