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News: Norway Lake kiosk has new look.

News: Norway Lake kiosk has new look. In front of the new information kiosk at the Lake Pennesseewassee Park boat landing in Norway, from left, are Deb Partridge of Norway Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries; Lakes Association of Norway members Jeanne Silverman, Susan Jacoby, Pat Obrien, and Pat Daniels; and Karin Collins, manager and graphic designer

News: Norway Lake kiosk has new look. Read More »

Silent Auction

Silent Auction Below you can find the donors and items for the Silent Auction. Quick Links LLBean Items 🎁Kayak- Grand Prize Patagonia 🎁HENB ALL 2nd Paxat Backpack 32L 🎁M Better Men’s Sweater (L)  🎁P-6 Logo LoPro Trucker Hat 🎁Puffin Beach Responsible Men’s Tee (L) 🎁Puffin Beach Responsible Women’s Tee (S) 🎁Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip

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Aquatic Invasive Species Workshops

Lake Stewards of Maine offers a variety of free Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) workshops. IPP Workshops are designed to teach volunteers how to look for suspicious plants, determine native from invasive species, and how to properly survey and report findings.

IPP volunteers are crucial to LSM’s work monitoring for aquatic invasive species. On this page volunteers can find out details, dates, and registration links for both in-person and online IPP workshops.

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Invasive Plant Patrol 101

Learn about how to identify each of Maine’s 15 potentially invasive plants and their native lookalikes, proper surveying methods and how to organize an invasive plant patrol team, and how to properly report and submit findings. This class is required for those seeking Tier 2 Certification by Lake Stewards of Maine. An accompanying review quiz will be required for certification.

Date: May 9, 9am – 12 pm

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Aquatic Invasive Plant Manual Control Methods Trainings

This webinar outlines a variety of manual control methods for aquatic invasive plants present in Maine. Guests will learn about basic biology and identifying characteristics for a variety of known aquatic invasive species (AIS) and their native lookalikes, how to manually remove AIS safely and effectively, and Maine permitting and reporting requirements for manual control methods. 

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Water Quality MeterFest and Meter Maintenance

Water Quality MeterFest and Meter Maintenance Quick Links As part of the certified lake monitoring process, Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) and the Maine Department on Environmental Protection (DEP), ensure the calibration and functionality of all volunteer water quality dissolved oxygen meters. This service is FREE, the only cost potentially arising from replacement of components

Water Quality MeterFest and Meter Maintenance Read More »

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