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Viewing Scopes

Viewing Scopes Quick Links View scopes, regardless of their type, help us peer through the reflective surface of the water and into the amazing aquatic world! LSM supplies, offers demonstration workshops, sells, and provides instruction on how to make your own view scope. Instructions to fabricate a view scope by type: Bucket Scope Cover Bucket […]

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Maine Lake Data

Maine Lake Data Quick Links Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) trains volunteers to collect many types of data related to lake health. In addition, LSM collects and catalogs data from other organizations, such as the Maine Audubon, Maine DEP, Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, USGS, and NOAA. LSM and partner data is stored in a

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News: Invasive Aquatic Plant Identification class teaches how to recognize invasive plants

July 25, 2022, 11:35 AM by 6Park NewsDesk ROXBURY — Examining soggy plants on several small white plates in the camp’s pavilion room, about 20 people with a vested interest in knowing which of those plants are invasive in their local waters consulted their field guides to record their best answers. Lake Stewards of Maine, a volunteer

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Water Quality Technical Support Sessions

Water Quality Technical Support Sessions LSM staff will be conducting water-quality-focused discussion sessions via Zoom. These check-in sessions are intended to be a way for volunteers to discuss any questions or issues they may have pertaining to their lake or monitoring work. For those who have insufficient bandwidth for online video conferencing, there is an

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