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With over 6000 lakes and ponds throughout the state, training volunteers is the most efficient and cost effective way to monitor Maine’s treasured lakes. In the context of unprecedented environmental impacts, contributions support the expansion of LSM’s programs allowing LSM staff to offer more workshops, increasing the number of trained volunteer citizen lake scientists who are collecting critical lake data that helps to monitor the health of Maine’s many lakes. 
There are several options for donating. 
  • Participate in campaigns and fundraising events
  • Mail donation to: Lake Stewards of Maine, 24 Maple Hill Rd., Auburn, ME 04210
  • IRA Contributions:  If you are 70 – 1/2 years or older and have an IRA, you can direct some of your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) as a charitable rollover to LSM, and it is tax-free!  Contact your IRA administrator for details on an IRA Charitable Rollover.
  • Legacy Gifts – Planned Giving and Bequests:  A bequest in your will is a direct and significant way to make a planned gift to LSM. Leaving a Legacy gift supports the long-term sustainability of Lake Stewards of Maine’s mission and commitment to protecting one of Maine’s most vital natural resources. The type of bequest depends on the individual’s circumstances and can be made in a variety of ways. If you are interested in including LSM in your estate planning, please contact us at stewards@lakestewardsme.org
Contact stewards@lakestewardsme.org if you would like to offer an In-Kind donation. 
Businesses contributing to LSM recognize the important role that volunteer citizen lake scientists and stewards play in the monitoring and protection of Maine’s cherished lakes. Contributions from businesses directly support outreach and educational materials, activities and events offered by LSM.
To learn more about business sponsorship options, and upcoming marketing opportunities, please contact LSM at  (207)783-7733  or stewards@lakestewardsme.org
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©2024 all content, unless otherwise specified, copyright by Lake Stewards of Maine.