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Lakes of Maine thanks our partners and sponsors in development of the Maine Field Guide to Aquatic Phenomena App

Maine Department of Environmental Production

Maine Department of Environmental Protection

Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund

Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund

Onion Foundation

Onion Foundation

We are thankful to our generous colleagues who have graciously lent their time, effort and expertise to the development of this new resource. Once again listed in alphabetical order, we wish to acknowledge the following major contributors: Linda Bacon, Alan Baker (and UNH PhycoKey) Jacolyn Bailey, Francis Brautigaum, Dan Buckley, Don Cameron, Holly Ewing, Bob Henricks, Tom Murray, William Reid, Dennis Roberge, Catherine Schmitt, Matt Scott, and Ken Wagner. 

Studies and publications made available free of charge to the public by Maine’s natural resource agencies: Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, and Maine Department of Environmental Protection have been a valuable source of information for this app.

We hope users will join us in valuing the important contributions made by State Agency staff to our understanding and protection of Maine’s native ecosystems.

Wikipedia has also been an excellent source of content (especially in the aquatic fauna category). For more information on a particular species, order or genus, as well as original source information, please visit (and financially support if you are able) Wikpedia’s free, multilingual open-collaborative, online encyclopedia.

Other important resources utilized in the development of this app include: Bug Guide, Bugwood Center for Invasive Species; iNaturalist; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions; Society for Freshwater Science; UC Berkeley Natural History Museums (with special thanks to Timothy Burkhardt; William Flaxington; Joyce Gross and John White); University of Maine Cooperative Extension (with special thanks to Charles Armstrong); University of Maine, US Fish & Wildlife Service; US Geological Survey; US Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.

We are also grateful to many other contributors that have given us permission to add their images in the app catalog.

For individual sources, please see the notation that accompanies the image of interest. This project has been—and will continue to be—a labor of love shared by LSM staff (recent past, and present).

We wish to extend special thanks to the Lake Stewards of Maine team: Alison Cooney, Christine Guerette, Spencer Harriman, Roberta Hill, Steve Lambert, Jonnie Maloney, Tristan Taber, and Scott Williams.

ASAP Media Services is responsible for all of the magic that has taken place behind the scenes in order to convert an evolving concept and ever-growing piles of content into a user-friendly application. ASAP is a student-operated research and development organization at the University of Maine, Orono. The organization’s funding comes from implementing projects for both on and off campus clients (such as LSM). Students are responsible for all aspects of the development process: writing proposals, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. Working with the students and their faculty advisor (ASAP founder and director, Mike Scott) has truly been a pleasure. We thank them for their expertise and their unfailing support!

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