Water Quality Certification Process
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General Information
Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) monitors a broad range of environmental indicators that affect the health of Maine Lakes. We have over 500 trained water quality (WQ) volunteers who collect quality scientific data. Their monitoring data and observations provide an extremely valuable resource for lake protection and a vital first-hand account of the evolving conditions of Maine’s Lakes and Ponds.
LSM trains and certifies volunteers to collect scientific water quality data of the highest quality. Each volunteer participates in an initial training workshop and is re-certified on a regular basis. All WQ volunteer monitors use a Secchi disk and view scope to measure water clarity, some also use dissolved oxygen (DO) meters to assist us in assessing lake health. Volunteers are also trained and certified to collect other types of water quality information, including Phosphorous and Chlorophyll-α.
Volunteers need to collect data approximately every two weeks between May and October to help assess lake health. This data is submitted at the end of the season — mailed to us by November 1st. LSM staff review the data and enter any that has not already been entered digitally. The data is compiled and sent to the Maine DEP, which then creates the individual lake reports, which are published in the spring.
We host the data quality assurance reviewed data on our Lakes of Maine website.
Unreviewed data is hosted on our live data portal.
Criteria for Becoming a Volunteer Water Quality Monitor
Volunteer water quality monitors are accepted into the program with the following provisions, many of which are required for Quality Assurance and Quality Control purposes:
- The number of volunteers who monitor water quality on an individual lake is generally limited by the size of the body of water. If a lake is already being monitored, a new volunteer may be trained as an “alternate”, or in some cases, to partner with the existing volunteer. On large, multiple-basin lakes, it is often beneficial to have several volunteers involved. Please contact the LSM office if you have questions about whether or not there is a need for additional volunteers on your lake of interest.
- Volunteers must watch instructional videos and complete several quizzes related to the training format.
- Volunteers must attend training and certification workshop before collecting and submitting data. Workshops are offered in the spring through summer.
- LSM provides each lake with one Secchi disk with calibrated tape and a viewing scope. Volunteers who are monitoring that lake are expected to maintain the equipment and to return it to the LSM if they leave the program, or pass it along to their replacement monitor, if one is available. LSM does not provide DO meters but has a meter that can be rented if a person or lake association is in-between meters (supply chain issues have slowed the delivery of meters for up to a year before).
- Volunteers should plan on taking Secchi disk transparency readings at least twice monthly (approximately every two weeks) between May and October, and be able to make a multiple-year commitment to monitoring. DO readings need to be taken at least once each month.
- Secchi volunteers must attend an in-person re-certification workshop at least once every three years, unless they test annually with the online Secchi Simulator. If monitors test annually with the online Secchi Simulator, then they only need to get recertified in person every 6 years. DO monitors require annual recertification.
- Volunteer monitors must have access to a boat, a strong anchor, and — in most cases — a motor. Secchi disk readings and DO readings are generally taken at the deepest point in the lake basin.
Water Quality Certification Workshops
2024 New Monitor and Recertification Recap
A big thank you to all our volunteers this past summer! We had a fantastic season, recertifying hundreds of volunteers and, in partnership with Maine DEP, hosting a total of 38 water quality training workshops!2025 New Monitor and Recertification Introduction
For those interested in becoming new monitors or needing recertification, we have outlined the process below. At the bottom of the page we provide a listing and map of the scheduled trainings. Thanks to the support of local boat hosts who volunteer their time and fuel, we’re able to offer regional trainings around the state. The boat hosts program is an essential part of our community as it ensures all volunteers have the opportunity to become certified or recertified.For New Water Quality Monitors
For Existing Water Quality Monitors
Thank you for your interest in continuing to participate in water quality data collection. The value of this data lies in the long-term, consistent dataset it creates. We will send an email in February with details about summer trainings, and our spring mailing of data forms will also include information on the 2025 training season. To sign up for a 2025 summer recertification workshop, please contact Jonnie by email. We also ask that you submit any completed data forms by October 1st. You may continue to collect data after that date, but having data up to October 1st allows us to process it in a timely manner. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.To register…
- As a completely new water quality volunteer monitor, please contact us using the form on this page. We will contact you by email with information about the trainings. You will need to signup for and then attend one of the workshop sessions that is labeled as “New and Recert”.
- As a current Secchi monitor who would like to become certified in Dissolved Oxygen monitoring, please contact the LSM office at stewards@lakestewardsme.org, or call to speak with Jonnie at 207-783-7733. You will need to attend one of the sessions that is labeled as “New and Recert”.
- As a current monitor who needs to participate in recertification, please contact Jonnie by email with the workshop you would like to attend.
Schedule updated 2024-11-12
Yellow rows indicate changes to the schedule
Waterbody | County | MIDAS | New / Recert | Training Type | Workshop Date | Workshop Time |
Currently no scheduled workshops | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
LSM Community Water Quality Technical Discussions
LSM staff will be conducting water-quality-focused discussion sessions via Zoom. These check-in sessions are intended to be a way for volunteers to discuss any questions or issues they may have pertaining to their lake or monitoring work. For those who have insufficient bandwidth for online video conferencing, there is an option to call in (phone information will be included in your registration confirmation email). These sessions will be informal and will provide an opportunity for participants to speak directly with LSM staff about concerns, observed phenomena, or other broader water quality topics.
A few examples of the topics that may be discussed include, but are not limited to:
- Observations of recent conditions on/in a lake
- Problems or questions regarding volunteer monitoring equipment
- Any issues with quality assurance
- Discussion/interpretation of recently collected (or historical) lake data
- Climate change
- Changing technologies and monitoring methods
- Any unusual phenomena recently observed
- Changes in protocol due to the pandemic and other broader social issues as it relates to lake monitoring and science.
Water Quality Check-In Sessions Calendar
Schedule updated 2024-12-19
Date | Time | Registration Link |
Jan 14, 2025 | 10:30 PM | Register |
Feb 10, 2025 | 11:30 AM | Register |
Mar 10, 2025 | 11:30 AM | Register |
Apr 8, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Apr 25, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
May 7, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
May 22, 2025 | 03:30 PM | Register |
Jun 6, 2025 | 09:00 AM | Register |
Jun 19, 2025 | 01:00 PM | Register |
Jul 16, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Jul 29, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Aug 12, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Aug 28, 2025 | 03:00 PM | Register |
Sep 18, 2025 | 10:00 AM | Register |
Oct 16, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Nov 18, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |
Dec 16, 2025 | 12:00 PM | Register |