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Invasive Plant Patrol 101

Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) 101 is a 3-hour online class designed to teach beginner invasive plant patrollers about how to survey for aquatic invasive species (AIS).

🗓️ Date: April 30th, 2025

⏰ Time: 9:00 AM

In this course, volunteers learn how to identify the 15 aquatic invasive plants found on Maine’s watch-list and the threats they pose to Maine’s environment, economy, and public health. In addition to invasives, guests will learn about the beneficial native plants often confused with harmful invaders. The course also teaches beginning IPPers how to safely and effectively survey for plants, how to collect and submit plants for identification, how to properly record and submit survey data, how to organize an effective IPP team, and how to become a Certified Invasive Plant Patroller.

A review quiz accompanies this program. All those seeking Tier 2 Certification must complete this quiz after viewing IPP 101 to be eligible.

In-Person IPP Workshop

Plant Paddle Workshops

Plant Paddle workshops are 3-hour, on-water programs. In these volunteer trainings, guests learn basic survey methods, how to collect plant samples, how to rule out possible invasives and suspicious plants using a Quick Key, how to properly collect and submit survey data, and how to report occurrences of suspicious plants.

 Should be prepared to bring their own kayak, canoe, or small boat. Guests who are unable to provide a boat may Lake Stewards of Maine so appropriate accommodations can be made.

Those attending Plant Paddle workshops are eligible for Tier 1 IPP Certification.

Live Plant ID Workshops

Live Plant ID workshops are 3-hour, indoor programs. In these volunteer trainings, guests learn how to use a Field Guide to identify around 40 native and invasive plants. Volunteers handle live plants, use tools to determine their identifies, and determine whether they are invasive or not.

Live Plant ID classes are a good way to be introduced to the study of aquatic invasive plants without the need of on-water equipment. They are also useful skills building workshops for invasive plant patrollers of all skill-levels.

Those attendending Live Plant ID workshops are partially eligible for Tier 2 IPP Certification, along with completing the IPP 101 webinar and its accompanying review quiz.

Webinar: Manual Control Methods Part 1

Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) and Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will cohost a webinar on Manual Control Methods of aquatic invasive species .

🗓️ Date: April 9th, 2025

⏰ Time: 9:00 AM

Manual Control Methods training is required for all divers paid by State of Maine grant funding for aquatic invasive species projects. This webinar is part of a 3-part Manual Control Methods training series done in conjunction with Maine DEP and AquaLogic. All parts of the training are mandatory for certification. This online session will cover an overview of AIS issues in Maine, invasive plant identification, state requirements for permitting, and decontamination methods. The practical in water training occurring in May and June will cover diver methods, techniques and theory in aquatic invasive plant removal.

Registration is required for the live webinar on April 9. For those who cannot attend the live training a recording will be available on the LSM website. All seeking full certification for Manual Control Methods training must take an accompanying review quiz accompanying this webinar to receive further instruction at future in-water trainings in May and June.

Webinar: Survey123 for IPPers

Survey123 for IPPers teaches invasive plant patrollers how to use Survey123, an online survey tracking tool.

🗓️ Date: May 15th, 2025

⏰ Time: 1:00 PM

Survey123 is a powerful geographic information system (GIS) tool used in tracking volunteer surveys. In this program, Becky Schaffner of Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) demonstrates the basics of Survey123, how volunteers can record aquatic invasive plant survey data, and how Lake Stewards of Maine’s AIS Survey Screening forms relate to how to use Survey123. The program will also cover new additions to Survey123 for 2025, and how the program can be used to more accurately record survey data.

Webinar: Travel Team Orientation

This webinar is about Lake Stewards of Maine’s IPP Travel Team, a group of dedicated invasive plant patrollers who venture their home lakes to address aquatic invasive species issues across Maine.

🗓️ Date: May 22nd, 2025

⏰ Time: 9:00 AM

The Travel Team has proven itself to be one of LSM’s most powerful tool in confronting the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Maine. In this program, volunteers will learn about the work the Travel Team does in surveying lakes for AIS, assisting with rapid response and mapping surveys, educating others, and providing support for budding invasive plant patrol teams across the state. Guests will also learn about upcoming Travel Team volunteer opportunities, see how the Travel Team visits truly remarkable and beautiful places across Maine, and how everybody has something to contribute to the work of this community of dedicated volunteer scientists.

Webinar: How to Lead a Plant Paddle

This webinar instructs invasive plant patrol (IPP) team leaders how to conduct a plant paddle workshop for volunteers.

🗓️ Date: May 29th, 2025

⏰ Time: 9:00 AM

This “train the trainers” webinar teaches volunteers how to instruct others how to survey for and rule out suspicious aquatic plants. The program focuses on how to organize a class, basic survey methods for absolute beginners, the importance of reviewing and quality assurance of volunteer survey data, submitting team data to LSM, and how to motivate and encourage others to become IPPers. 

Invasive Plant Patrol 101

Learn about how to identify each of Maine’s 15 potentially invasive plants and their native lookalikes, proper surveying methods and how to organize an invasive plant patrol team, and how to properly report and submit findings. This class is required for those seeking Tier 2 Certification by Lake Stewards of Maine. An accompanying review quiz will be required for certification.

Date: May 9, 9am – 12 pm

“Know Your Milfoils”- 11/06

“Know Your Milfoils” will consider milfoils, a famously tricky to identify group of plants. This program will show how to determine Maine’s six native species of milfoil from three invasive species found in the state.

Recording Available Now

“Know Your Naiads”-10/24

Focused on determining brittle naiad, an aquatic invasive species, from other naiad species found in Maine. 

Recording Available Now

IPP Travel Team Webinar – June 19

Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) will host a webinar and information session on the IPP Travel Team on Wednesday, June 19 at 9:00 am

 LSM’s IPP Travel Team is new initiative which aims to bring invasive plant patrollers of all skill levels around the state to help survey for aquatic invasive species (AIS). The Travel Team welcomes anybody who wants to get outdoors, see beautiful and serene Maine lakes, and monitor for invasive plants and animals beyond their home lakes. In this webinar, novice and experienced IPPers can learn about the many ways they can help, learn about what LSM can offer Travel Team volunteers, see this season’s Travel Team locations, and ask questions of LSM’s AIS staff.

Invasive Plant Patrol 101

Learn about how to identify each of Maine’s 15 potentially invasive plants and their native lookalikes, proper surveying methods and how to organize an invasive plant patrol team, and how to properly report and submit findings. This class is required for those seeking Tier 2 Certification by Lake Stewards of Maine. An accompanying review quiz will be required for certification.

Recordings Available Now

Manual Control Methods

This webinar outlines a variety of manual control methods for aquatic invasive plants present in Maine. Guests will learn about basic biology and identifying characteristics for a variety of known aquatic invasive species (AIS) and their native lookalikes, how to manually remove AIS safely and effectively, and Maine permitting and reporting requirements for manual control methods

Recordings Available Now

IPP Workshop Registration

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